Sunday, December 17, 2017
Episode 27 We Predict The Future
Infinity Games Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by KelryxsKing and Jukeboxhero2323.
In our twenty seventh podcast we talk about our video game predictions for 2018. Our predictions are 100% absolutely guaranteed to (maybe) come true because we are psychic wizards (nerds) from the distant mystical land of Canada. But seriously, we are creating a 2018 predictions bingo card which we will look back on in our 2018 year in review to see how right we were. You can join in the shenanigans using our bingo template to make your own predictions! Jukeboxhero has also been playing super mario games this week.
We thank you for listening to our podcast! If there is anything you would like us to talk about on the show let us know on our social media. We would appreciate if you subscribed to us through iTunes, Google Play Music, YouTube, or our RSS Feed. We will read your five star reviews from iTunes on the show!
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